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[PDF] The Myth of the Holy Cow by D. N. Jha

The Myth of the Holy Cow. D. N. Jha


The Myth of the Holy Cow


ISBN: 9781859844243 | 120 pages | 3 Mb
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  • The Myth of the Holy Cow
  • D. N. Jha
  • Page: 120
  • Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
  • ISBN: 9781859844243
  • Publisher: Verso

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The growth of religious fundamentalism in India is symbolised by the existence of a BJP government committed to the Hindutva. There is growing pressure to declare the cow a sacred, national animal and to ban its slaughter. The Myth of the Holy Cow is an illuminating response to this crazed confessionalism. It challenges obscurantist views on the sanctity of the cow in Hindu tradition and culture. Dwijendra Narayan Jha, a leading Indian historian, argues that beef eating played an important part in the cuisine of ancient India, long before the birth of Islam. It was very much a feature of the approved Brahmanical and Buddhist diet. The evidence he produces from a variety of religious and secular texts is compelling. ...


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